Air Freight

Rate Negotiation Support

No Risk To You

Establishing global lane by lane pricing targets and benchmarks

Air Freight demands and capacity can change in an instant. Let us help you choice the right service that best fits your needs today.

AFMS will analyze your:​​

  • Rates

  • Shipping Data

  • Package Characteristics

Key Questions & Data Requirements

  • What is your global airfreight spend: and total kilos shipped?

    Has this spend been growing, declining, or remained steady?

  • Is airfreight a key component in your supply chain or is it only used for emergencies and unplanned events?

  • Are your air rates ATA, DTA, and or DTD?

  • Do you have different service levels? (Expedited, standard, deferred)

    How many lanes are in your rate sheet?

  • Do you have your own set of accessorial fees that forwarders must agree to?

  • How do you handle fuel and security surcharges?

  • Are you getting any volume incentive programs from your forwarders?

    Do you have any end of quarter to end of year peaks?

    Is your volume flat all year? Or skewed during a specific peak period?

  • Since air freight rates hit rock bottom in 2015, have your rates increased since then?

  • Do you interface with both air carriers and your forwarders or only your forwarder?

  • Are GSK regions/facilities receptive to change?

Call (800) 246-3521​ To Get Started

Free Assessment of Your Transportation Spend

✔ Review Your Carrier Contract For Savings Opportunities
✔ Optimize Your Carrier Network
✔ Audit Your Carrier Bills
✔ Reduce Your Shipping Costs

Submit your information below for your FREE assessment OR give us a call: (800) 246-3521

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Trusted by some of the biggest brands

We have reduced shipping prices for over 3,000 global companies including the top names in entertainment, retail, automotive, electronics, clothing, farming, home, and agriculture.